Welcome to the Male Empowerment Inititative MEI | About the Founder
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About the Founder

Founder’s Bio

Marcus D. Corbett, is the President/CEO of the Male Empowerment Initiative MEI The programs mantra is “Empowering the Men of today and tomorrow, A Movement of Men!” As a father of two boys and while working with a wide range of boys and men, Corbett has seen firsthand the importance of educating and providing opportunities for males to be successful. Corbett founded the program in 2013 to help males realize their purpose and potential in today’s society.


Corbett also serves as the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management Services at Denmark Technical College as well as the Coordinator for the South Carolina DTC GEAR UP Program. Corbett has extensive knowledge and experience of working in numerous comprehensive student services environments. Corbett previously served as director of the Black Males Project, a component of the Enrollment Management & Student Success and Retention Programs at SC State University that assists males as they transition from high school to college. In addition, he also served as director of the Call Me MISTER Program for the department of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences which collaborates with Clemson University to recruit and develop male students who are pursing degrees in education. Corbett has served as an English Adjunct Professor for numerous institutions of higher learning.


For over twenty years, Corbett has dedicated his life to working with a variety of youth-care and student centered related public and private non-profit organizations, Department of Social Services, Department of Juvenile Justice, Boys Town, Working Organization for Children and Adults, Transitional Services, Carolina Children’s Home and Interdisciplinary Center for Child Development holding instructional and management level positions, while also administering programs to children and families in New York, New Jersey, Washington D.C. Columbia and Orangeburg South Carolina. Corbett has a wide-range of training and experience recruiting and mentoring students, intrusive marketing strategies, developing new student orientation and welcome week initiatives, college fairs, community outreach, employment placement and student supportive services as well as working with at-risk youth involving gang intervention and prevention strategies.


Corbett has earned a Bachelor of Human Services degree, Master of Public Administration, completed all the course work for a Masters of English and has been awarded certifications from The South Carolina Technical College System Student Affairs Institute and U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement for the Student Exchange Visitors Program to recruit and enroll international students. Corbett also serves as a Board Member for the American Association of Blacks in Higher Education AABHE.


As a family man, he is married to Cristina Corbett and is the father of two boys, Jordan Corbett (14) and Julian Corbett (12).